
The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Last night a huge storm blew through. Thunder and lighting rocked the atmosphere and we ran outside and jumped into our hammocks. It was quite the spectacle. The water poured off the roof and into the rain gutter and at times spilled over the sides. The air was heavy with water and everything on the front porch, including us, were wet.
Lately, Gracie’s imagination has been super active. She decided that we were on a river in our canoes. So we all took on different names, Matt was Mark Twain, Grace-Tom Sawyer, Maddie-Huck Finn, and me- well, I was Jim. Which seems apt, since being a woman in Brazil, at times, places me in the same category as Jim in the 19th-century South. This topic I will expand upon in a later blog.
This morning we awoke and Grace still wanted to refer to us all as our river names and so, we got our cups of joe and headed out to front porch river. We saddled up in our canoes and headed down looking for a good fishing spot. Grace bailed out of the canoe and went for a little swim and caught a huge fish for lunch.

the pics below are Mark Twain and Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Jim, Tom Sawyer swimming for fish, and Tom guiding us through some rough waters.

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