
Bringing “Fire” to the People

Awe, the holidays are over. Its seems everyone took a holiday down here, even my muse. I haven’t had the gumption to write in quite awhile. But after witnessing an event so incredible, my muse found her place again on my shoulder and here we are, writing…

Before you set out on your journey, whether it be to the store, on a hike, or cross country, you just never know what exactly you may need on your jaunt. Well after being here in Brazil for five months now, it has been really surprising to me that you cannot find a can opener, other than the janky camping type. You know, the kind that is made out of one piece of metal with a hook and point on one side. It takes me about half-an-hour to open the one thing my 3-year-old can’t live without, “wet peaches” or canned peaches to the rest of us.

When Matt’s mom asked us what we would like her to bring down, the first thing out of my mouth was “CAN OPENER“. People down here have never seen a can opener of the type that we have in the States. We had her bring down three. One for us, and one each for Cosmo and Jair; our two friends that made it possible for us to gain entrance into the country for research. We gave Cosmo his at Christmas and the first thing he said was “what is this thing?”. We laughed and explained it was the latest in can openers, the kind that leaves the edges dull. He was happy, but a little perplexed by the newfangled thingamabob.

A few days later, Cosmo invited us and a few other guests over for moqueca de peixe (moo-KAY-ka duh PAY-shuh), a Brazilian fish stew with coconut milk. Unbeknownst to us, among the other guests, was the Dona of the church that Matthew is studying. It was interesting to interact with her at a location quite removed from t he church. I think this gave Matthew an opportunity to causally chat with her, a nice added dimension to their relationship.
At one point during the gathering Cosmo invited a few of the women over to the table to help open a few cans. He pulled out his can opener and they stared at it. They leaned over on the table, resting their jaws in their hands and watched as one woman picked it up and gave it a once over. She held it in one hand and said, “what is this?” “A can opener” Cosmo said proudly. He showed her how to open it up and hook it onto the edge of the can. They all watched, intensely. She started to turn the crank. She kept on turning it, around and around, before Matt chimed in to stop and take off the top. They all looked in disbelief, as the Dona, who was watching, carefully poked at the top, then poked again a little harder. The top lifted up on one side and they all “oooed” and “aweeed“, and laughed and clapped. I felt like I was watching them discover fire. They all quickly looked for something else to open. It was quite amazing to watch. A first, you hardly ever get to see “firsts” in this world anymore. I suspect as time goes on and the world gets “smaller” there will be fewer and fewer to witness. The Dona looked at Matthew in surprise and delight. I would have never thought that a can opener could open more than cans, but it looks as if its opened a new door for Matt.

Needlesstosay, we have an order for more can openers to be shipped down from the land of plenty.

Jair and family trying out their new can opener Posted by Picasa

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